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Thursday, December 6, 2018

Week 15 Story Lab

With the recent passing of Stan Lee, I thought this would be a good read. Stan Lee has created this amazing universe that people all around the world love and adore so obviously he did something right with his comics.

His 6 tips are:

  1. Write what you love to read.
  2. Create empathy in the audience.
  3. Acknowledge your power in people's lives.
  4. Create a great antagonist in your story.
  5. Coming up with a title is tough.
  6. And, finally, from the mouth of the iconic Spiderman, remember, “With great power comes great responsibility."
I think these are such great tips because I have definitely tried to incorporate most of these tips into my own writing. I didn't even realize I do some of these things until I started reading the article. I've never really used #4 because I don't really have an antagonist in my story, but maybe if I ever write another story for anything then I might try to have a villain in it. 

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